A downloadable game for Windows

Meme Kart

 Meme Kart is a personal project made in 5 months.

A challenge for me was to  implement multiplayer without knowledge. I did it with Mirror, an asset of unity,  to be able to use servers.

The game is still in very alpha, have a lot of issues, lot of bugs and has only one map.


ZQSD  : Move your kart.

LMB : Launch an attack after you pass through a cube.

P or Esc : Pause Menu.


Game Design / Prog :  Boulanger Thomas.


meme kart.zip 263 MB

Install instructions

Download the file, uncompress it.  In the downloadable files, there are two folders : one for the server executable, one for the client executable (game).

You need to launch the server exe before the client then  you can launch severals client exe at same time.

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