Wave Function Collapse Tool
A downloadable tool
Wave Function Collapse Town Generator
Our aim was to generate a town using a Wave Function Collapse system inspired by this video:
We wanted to generate towns that could then be used for different purposes and potentially for future projects.
How it works
Our WFC algorithm works on a 3D grid that it populates with modules we've made manually from a kit-bash. The various modules are provided with sockets on each of their 6 faces, enabling us to define a set of constraints between them and, for each of their faces, a list of compatible modules.
Our algorithm iteratively fills the grid, choosing a collapse cell from among those with the lowest entropy. It then propagates the information to neighboring cells, reducing their respective entropies (and potentially collapsing some of them).
We've also implemented a backtracking algorithm for impossible resolution situations. Unfortunately, however, it is not optimal and lacks reliability.
The team
The team is composed of two devs:
Alexandre Lacroix: https://creamos.itch.io/
Thomas Boulanger (me):https://elootam.itch.io/
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